Saturday, January 07, 2006


Last night was the kind of night that opens one's eyes. For the past year and a half, I lived my life based on beliefs I held about some people I know. I always remained guarded with them. Yet, I secretly wanted and worked towards becoming like them.

But last night I heard things I never dreamt I would hear. Loosened by alcohol and compelled by the deepness of the night, they spoke of their vulnerability, regret, and the things that really mattered to them. I heard beliefs that deeply resonated with me, and saw uncanny parallels where there once seemed to be none. I saw tears. Real tears.

Essentially, I heard all I needed to know to straighten out some long-standing personal issues.

We walked off the conversation in step with each other, spontaneously singing the songs of our teenage years. When we went our separate ways, I felt like the luckiest guy on Earth. My friends, not feeling as lucky, felt comforted and united in commiseration.

I reached home at 4 in the morning, made myself a cup of instant noodles and lay in bed till the first cracks of light appeared in the sky. Staring at the ceiling and feeling the cold air awakening my skin, I pondered about Life, about people I know, about pretence and honesty. I felt older, a little uncomfortable, and felt like life was beginning again.


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