Saturday, October 01, 2005

Five Hours

I can't believe we spoke that long. It's been ages since I did anything like this.

But sitting with you by the window, sensing your rapt attention, I could do no less than share my entire worldview with you. It is a worldview that some of the people closest to me haven't a clue about.

We may have missed the movie, but tonight we travelled across time and space, contemplating civilsations, culture, and the very nature of humanity itself. We grappled with the big and small questions about Life. We connected over mundane quirks like not having the time or aptitude to read, over musical theory, and over deeper issues like what it means to be creative in a world characterised by consumption.

I did most of the talking, but in your calm and assured responses, you told me a lot about yourself, too.

And in doing most of the talking, I was able to articulate--and thereby reaffirm--the private beliefs I've held for years. Of late, these beliefs have been wavering because I've been unable to express them to others, be it because of personality differences or lack of opportunity.

Having finally been able to present my soul to someone who understands, I feel more alive than ever.

With some people, I run out of things to say within five minutes. Tonight, we spoke for five hours, but it was barely enough.


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